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WP1 is about the management of the project where project activities are coordinated to ensure timely achievement of the objectives within the budget and time frame. In WP1, we will also support to train the next generation of scientists.


WP2 is dedicated to the identification of novel early biomarkers and therapy targets in AD. To achieve the goals, WP2 is divided into 3 sub-WPs. WP2.1 is about recruiting and sampling AD patients and controls. Their samples (blood and CSF, respectively) will be analysed in WP2.2. Together with sample analysis, WP2.2 will also be dedicated to carry out in vitro and in vivo preclinical studies to target validation and to perform druggability assessment. Data obtained from preclinical models and from AD patients will be analysed in WP2.3.


We will disseminate and exploit results in WP3. In the frame of WP3, MetaboAD consortium will involve relevant stakeholders, publicate results to the scientific and non- scientific communities and to investigate potential business opportunities.